State of the Niche Movement: Juggling Life as a Working Parent and Entrepreneur

As you know, there's never a dull moment here at The Niche Movement. But 2020 has been especially exciting as we watch our Founder Kevin O'Connell grow into his new roll as . . .

Father of Baby Noah!

Today, Kevin delivered our State of the Niche Movement address to let our community know what’s to come in the year ahead.

With this big life transition, ushers in a new age for The Niche Movement. We'll be bringing you even more inspirational career stories, but we'll also add in a new bucket of content: Balancing life changes, especially balancing being a parent. 

Now that Kevin has added a whole new chapter to his life and a whole new identity as father, he's no longer just the Founder of the Niche Movement, a digital storyteller, an entrepreneur, running FYN Creative, or teaching at George Washington University. He's a dad. And loves every second of it.

Watch the video below to see how where we’re at now, and where we plan to take The Niche Movement.

“Well Niche Movement community, it’s been awhile.

Been awhile since I’ve written a post.

Been awhile since I’ve formally been in touch.

My team Carmen and Jaylene have been doing an awesome job keeping the email and social media going, and I give them a huge shout out.

I was actually just talking to them about two weeks ago. We had a creative meeting, and I said we needed to drop a 2020 State of Union on helping people find their niche.

What’s the status of the Niche movement?

What’s the status with me?

For some of you who are super close to me or have been following me on social media, you know I had a huge life update, and this is what I’ve been up to lately . . . I became a father!

This is baby Noah! He’s smiling for the camera.

So now I have a whole new chapter, a whole new identity to my life. I’m not just the Founder of the Niche Movement, running FYN Creative, a digital storyteller, an entrepreneur, teaching at George Washington University.

I am a father. I am a parent. And it is awesome. Isn’t it Noah? AM I doing a good job here?

Anyway, I know exactly where the content of the Niche Movement is going.

One: a lot of it is going to stay the same. That means more career tips. That means inspirational stories from people like you. I think that’s what resonates most, so if you have a story of career change, career frustration, career tips, career leadership, we’d love to hear from you.

Two: a new direction of content, personally for me, is how do we balance life? How do we balance becoming a father? How do we balance something that has changed our identity completely? Especially being a parent.

And I know when I wrote the Niche Movement book 5 years ago one of the three things I wrote about is that you know you’ve found your Niche . . .

  1. When you feel like you are thriving

  2. When you feel like you are challenged (and I am definitely challenged right now as a father!)

  3. When you feel like you’re invincible

When I am with this little guy . . . anything that I can do for this little guy and as a husband and as a father . . . I feel those three things (thriving, challenged, invincible) firing on all cylinders. I feel them more than i ever have running my own business, starting the Niche Movement, or working in higher education.

I have found my niche, and with that said I want to continue to help others find their niche especially if you are a working parent. I think that’s another little bucket of content.

So for all my working parents out there that are trying to have it all, live it all, or find their niche, we’d love to hear from you. We’d love to feature your content and point of view of what it’s like to go back to work, be a working father, being an entrepreneur.

One of the routes I’m taking is father-preneurship. So any fathers out there, I would love to interview you about how you do it.

And we’d love to hear from everybody and anybody about finding your niche.

So happy 2020! This is coming a little late, almost at the end of the month, but thank you guys for your patience, continued support. Here’s to a great year. Here’s to a great new chapter in my life! And hopefully you guys have something new and exciting planned for 2020.

Go after it. Find your niche. And love what you do.”