If you're looking for inspiration and real-world tips on how to find a job you love, you've come to the right place.

If you're feeling stuck, unengaged, and unsatisfied in your current job, don't worry, you're not alone. We have a solution. 

If making a career change might be in your future, keep reading.  

If the concept of actual career happiness is one you believe in, join us!


Consider the traditional conference model BROKEN

NicheCon is about two things: One, the stories; two, bringing two communities together: those who love what they do and those who aspire to love what they do (find their niche). With our handpicked all-star lineup of speakers, we knew two jam-packed days of traditional conference sessions just weren't going to cut it. 

Enter: NicheCon Fireside Chat Tour! We're bringing NicheCon to the people. The conference tour will be a nationwide series of  intimate and informal gatherings where we'll host and interview professionals from all industries whose personal career stories will serve as a resource to those looking to find their niche. Hear about the experiences on the true road to finding career happiness all the way from their adversities to their achievements.

The NicheCon Fireside Chat Tour events are not your average networking events. Imagine a meet-up, happy hour, career workshop, and live podcast interview all rolled into one. Food, drink, conversations and new connections are guaranteed.

Most importantly, we will continue a meaningful (and important) dialogue on the modern job search and how to feel engaged with your work.