Jaylene Perez

3 Red Flags to Look for Before You Take the Job

3 Red Flags to Look for Before You Take the Job

All jobs are not created equal. Some are good while others are bad. Bad for your professional growth, bad for your mental health, bad for your financial stability, or bad for your work-life balance. The list goes on and on.

To prevent yourself from jumping from one job and rushing to take a job that will make you even more miserable, it’s critical to treat any interview you enter as if you’re also interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you.

6 Tips for a Successful Informational Interview

6 Tips for a Successful Informational Interview

For college students, informational interviews are vital. Before you send 100s of email applications into the void spring semester senior year, make sure you develop a few key professional connections outside your internship supervisors.  Get some one on one time with professionals you admire by requesting a conversation over the phone or over coffee. Unlike a job interview, informational interviews allow for more of a dialogue.

Prioritizing Growth and Taking Risks in the New Year

Prioritizing Growth and Taking Risks in the New Year

As we prepare to enter 2019, The Niche Movement team took some time to reflect. We give you tips and tricks for finding your niche all year long, but the New Year is a special time to celebrate accomplishments, to goal set, and above all to relax. Our Social Media Intern Jaylene Perez took the time to write about taking risks. Jaylene urges the Niche community to pause in the hubbub of the holidays. Take a beat. Use the extra time to consider how far you've come in 2018—even if the growth is hard to see right now.

Goal Setting Guide: How to Make and Keep Goals in 2019 (Podcast)

Goal Setting Guide: How to Make and Keep Goals in 2019 (Podcast)

According to U.S. News & World Report, 80% of New Year's resolutions fail by the second week of February. (We know, not exactly what you wanted to hear). In this podcast episode, we confronted the 80% statistic head-on and broke down what successful goal setting looks like. The Niche Movement Social Media Intern Jaylene Perez and The Niche Movement Founder Kevin O’Connell got together to talk through their fumbles and triumphs when it came to personal goals, career goals, and even mental health.